Thursday, July 27, 2017

#NiaPregnancyTips for First-Time Mommies

Although this is my first time being pregnant and all, but I think there's no harm for me to share tips. Just to give a heads up-advance note for the first-time-future mommies and reminder for me in future too.

So here we go, here are a few tips for first-timer-to-be-mommies or Newly Weds:


Baru kahwin and planning on getting pregnant, tracking you period is always a good thing. Ramai among my friends yang rasa lecehnya nak track period cycle ni. Tak susah pun kak! Download je apps period tracker. Banyak je ada dekat apps market, be it for android or iOS.

Tracking your cycle is really good to identify when is your ovulation period and identifying when you are late on your period. Remember! Lain orang, lain ragamnya. Begitu juga cycle period anda. Ada orang menstrual cycle mereka tetap 28 hari, macam saya boleh extend sampai 32 hari, dan ada juga kaum hawa yang tak tetap cyclenya.

We know that for normal cycle - which is the 28 days cycle, the ovulation will take place on the 14th day (Mattes, For those who are like me, which her cycle can go up to 32 days, you may ovulate on the 18th day (Timing it right, 2012).

Tapi ni lebih kepada konsep sahaja, bila kita betul-betul ovulate hanya body kita je yang tahu. But this concept can help you especially when you are trying to conceive. Ingat! Lebih mudah kalau kita tahu bila cycle period kita, senang nak identify if kita pregnant 😍

Banyak Apps period tracker (Source: Google Image)


Your period hasn't come yet? Once you've started to track your period and you know how long your cycle is, then mudah untuk anda identify bila you are late on your period. But here's a heads up! Don't get excited easily! Saya faham, you are expecting to get pregnant, lewat sehari pun dah excited! Chill! Give it a time sebelum try UPT. The best  is to wait at least a week. Tapi saya faham, siapa yang boleh tunggu kan? 😂 Tapi sabar sat ye, tunggu 5 hari pun jadilah.

Tunggu sekurang-kurangnya 5 hari sebelum ambil Ujian Kehamilan and remember to do it with the first pee in the morning. Why? Boleh refer to my previous post tentang concentration of HCG in Urine or boleh tengok video ni, (TED-Ed, 2015).

There are many type of UPT yang dijual dekat farmasi, with many range of prices and different result display. Ada yang bahagian result tunjuk double line kalau positif, ada yang tunjuk lambang '+' kalau positif and ada jugak yang tulis 'Pregnant'. I used the ones with the double line, and when I showed Hilmi the result, he do not gets it! Hahaha 😂

(Source: Google Image)


Dah take the UPT test? POSITIF? Congratulations. But now what? First ask yourself, nak check up dekat Hospital Kerajaan ke Swasta? Kalau Kerajaan, pergi je ke klinik kesihatan ibu dan anak yang disediakan pihak kerajaan untuk buka buku Pink or Buku Rekod Kesihatan Ibu.

Tak payah nak confirmkan dulu ke? Ada yang terfikir nak confirmkan dekat klinik swasta, nak scan untuk kepastian. If you have the means, its really up to you. But if you are on a tight budget, no need. Because it will cost you about RM200 - RM300 dekat klinik swasta to get scanned and the chances is you will only see a tiny little seed in your womb. If you go straight to Klinik kerajaan, they will also scan you for confirmation. So no worries.

Tapi bila waktu sesuai nak pergi klinik and buka buku tu? As soon as you find out that you're pregnant ke? It is preferable for you to go open up a book at week 10 of your pregnancy, but if you go earlier pun no problem. You'll get the supplements that you need and boleh start makan secepat mungkin, supplements like Folic Acid and Vitamins are really important for your baby.

Wah banyaknya bebel 😂 I guess that's all of the tips for now, this is more to like the introduction of pregnancy guide or tips. I'll update on more tips from time to time as I continue with my pregnancy stories 😍 Kalau tips ni berguna or ada kekurangan, please do not hesitate to let me know untuk saya tambah or perbaiki. Thanks for reading.


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