Orang kata, nak tengok macam mana alahan kita time mengandung, tanya dekat emak kita, sebab orang kata kita mengikut emak kita. I however had to disagree. Mungkin ada orang yang sama macam emak dia, masa emak dia mengandung takde alahan, dia pun ikut sama takde alahan apa-apa. For me, throughout the whole pregnancy I will refer to my mom's experiences for anything that was going on. But mom keep on proving that a lot of my pregnancy symptoms are indeed different than hers.
I had morning sickness at the earliest stage of pregnancy and she will be like, "Emak dulu takde muntah-muntah pun time awal-awal mengandung, dah nak masuk bulan ketiga baru la ada loya-loya, tu pun sikit je".
To make it worse, my sickness didn't only happen in the morning, it happens at night too. "Apesal kerap sangat muntah-muntah ni, makan sikit, muntah lebih, bahaya macam ni Iman", emak would say.
Saya ada juga mengalami keputihan seawal minggu ke 7 kehamilan, emak pun pelik. "Awal sangat nak keputihan pun, ish lain sangat simptom mengandung kau ni", kata emak dengan hairan.
To hear mom utters those words and to say that my symptoms are different from hers made me worried a bit. But as my 10 weeks appointment is approaching I thought maybe later I'll ask to the doctor regarding these symptoms. Tak lama lepas tu, tarikh appointment di Klinik Kesihatan pun tiba. Appointment kali ni, Emak temankan saya sebab rasa lemah sangat.
Macam biasa, datang pagi-pagi, ambil nombor dan tunggu giliran. Pertama sekali timbang berat, malangnya oleh kerana alahan yang teruk, I lost 8 Kg within 5 weeks, from 60kg to 52kg. It had me worried. Next, I went to do the blood test and my Hb Reading is nice, 12.0. Misi Salmi pun start her interrogation, kenapa banyak sangat hilang berat? Kerap ke muntah? Etc. But she did mention, at early stage kebanyakkan ibu akan kehilangan berat sebab alahan. So right after that I get to meet the doctor. There's so many questions I want to ask.
The moment I stepped into the doctor's room, she looked at me and asked me to lay on the scan bench instantly. Takpe sekejap lagi after scan boleh tanya doktor macam-macam. So the doctor came, selak baju and start the scanning. To our surprise, as soon as the ultrasound reach my belly, terus nampak dekat screen dua kantung!
"EH! Kembar ni!", kata doktor. Terus terbuntang biji mata. "Kejap, kita tengok betul-betul", terus doktor sambung scan. Ternyata, bila buat color filter memang nampak jelas dua degupan jantung halus dari dua janin dalam perut saya.
"Okay, it's official, you're carrying twins!", kata doktor. Perasaan time tu, rasa macam nak menangis syukur, tapi control macho. Hahaha. Terus minta kebenaran doktor nak bawa masuk emak tengok sekali scan tu. Alhamdulillah, the doctor allowed. So Emak masuk and we did the scan again, emak pun terkejut! Rasa macam nak menangis, Allah je yang tahu macam mana happynya perasaan time tu.
"So tak pelik la kenapa awak lost banyak sangat berat and kenapa awak kerap sangat muntah, sebab bila ada dua baby, maksudnya hormon pun dua kali ganda. You are also going through double symptoms, orang lain muntah sekali, you muntah dua kali. Also sebab you pregnant twin, kene buat regular check up dekat hospital terus okay?", explained the doctor.
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