After the scanning has been done at the local Klinik Kesihatan, doktor Klinik Kesihatan kata untuk kes kembar kene refer pada Hospital. I chose Hospital Selayang sebab dekat dengan rumah and very familiar dengan fasiliti hospital tu. Lepas appointment dekat Klinik terus ke Hospital untuk dapatkan tarikh appointment. And dapat tarikh bersamaan dengan 14 minggu umur kandungan.
Disebabkan le husband, si BangJol, ada kelas time ni, dia hanya dapat perkhabaran through WhatsApp je la. Hahaha
Sempat lagi tu before bagitahu dia tanya dia free ke tak, sebab takut ganggu dia dalam kelas.
I sent him the scan result I had at the Clinic and he knew right away that he's looking at two sacs.
Imagine you just find out that your wife got pregnant and you are having a baby by the end of the year and now suddenly finding out that your wife is pregnant with twins and you'll be having not one but two babies at one time! I just can't imagine his reaction!
He felt really bad for not being able to be there when I found out about the babies and wanted to be at the next appointment. However, the appoinment is going to be on a Wednesday, with class and activities on that weekend, he knew he won't be able to join this time around too.
Days went on and I got really excited for the appointment. Mau tak excited, dapat scan untuk tengok babies lagi kot. Hari selasa, sehari sebelum appointment dalam pukul 9 pm, Kekman tengah rehat-rehat dekat ruang tamu tengok tv, tiba-tiba ada orang bagi Salam. Rupa-rupanya BangJol balik nak ikut sekali pergi appointment. Terkejut Kekman! Dia boleh buat surprise pulak balik KL tak bagitahu! Hahaha.
So the next day, pagi around 7.30 am dah gerak ke Hospital Selayang. Usai daftar dekat kaunter pendaftaran, kene pergi tunggu giliran dekat kaunter ObGyn (Obstetrics and Gynecology) pulak. Dalam pukul 12 pm, giliran kami tiba. Terus masuk dalam bilik doktor and terus baring atas scan bench tu.
BangJol berdiri dibelakang doktor and tekun perhatikan screen scanner tu. The moment doktor scan terus nampak dua babies dlm perut Kekman. At 14 Weeks, kita dah boleh nampak janin dengan jelas. And time tu baby sangat aktif, so BangJol pun nampak lah babies dia dok melambai-lambai tangan and menendang-nendang. Settle scan, doktor pun bagi another date untuk next appointment. Twin pregnancy memerlukan pemantauan secara kerap melalui ultrasound dilakukan untuk monitor growth babies.
Balik dari appointment tu, BangJol tak berhenti-henti dok cite dia nampak kaki and tangan babies and macam mana babies aktif bergerak. Sibuk dia cerita dekat ibu dia dengan emak Kekman. Seronok sangat agaknya dapat tengok babies for the first time 😍 #husbandsreaction #bangjolandhistwins #14weekspregnant
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