Sunday, July 30, 2017

Surprise Surprise - #10weekspregnant

Orang kata, nak tengok macam mana alahan kita time mengandung, tanya dekat emak kita, sebab orang kata kita mengikut emak kita. I however had to disagree. Mungkin ada orang yang sama macam emak dia, masa emak dia mengandung takde alahan, dia pun ikut sama takde alahan apa-apa. For me, throughout the whole pregnancy I will refer to my mom's experiences for anything that was going on. But mom keep on proving that a lot of my pregnancy symptoms are indeed different than hers.

I had morning sickness at the earliest stage of pregnancy and she will be like, "Emak dulu takde muntah-muntah pun time awal-awal mengandung, dah nak masuk bulan ketiga baru la ada loya-loya, tu pun sikit je".

To make it worse, my sickness didn't only happen in the morning, it happens at night too. "Apesal kerap sangat muntah-muntah ni, makan sikit, muntah lebih, bahaya macam ni Iman", emak would say.

Saya ada juga mengalami keputihan seawal minggu ke 7 kehamilan, emak pun pelik. "Awal sangat nak keputihan pun, ish lain sangat simptom mengandung kau ni", kata emak dengan hairan.

To hear mom utters those words and to say that my symptoms are different from hers made me worried a bit. But as my 10 weeks appointment is approaching I thought maybe later I'll ask to the doctor regarding these symptoms. Tak lama lepas tu, tarikh appointment di Klinik Kesihatan pun tiba. Appointment kali ni, Emak temankan saya sebab rasa lemah sangat.

Macam biasa, datang pagi-pagi, ambil nombor dan tunggu giliran. Pertama sekali timbang berat, malangnya oleh kerana alahan yang teruk, I lost 8 Kg within 5 weeks, from 60kg to 52kg. It had me worried. Next, I went to do the blood test and my Hb Reading is nice, 12.0. Misi Salmi pun start her interrogation, kenapa banyak sangat hilang berat? Kerap ke muntah? Etc. But she did mention, at early stage kebanyakkan ibu akan kehilangan berat sebab alahan. So right after that I get to meet the doctor. There's so many questions I want to ask.

The moment I stepped into the doctor's room, she looked at me and asked me to lay on the scan bench instantly. Takpe sekejap lagi after scan boleh tanya doktor macam-macam. So the doctor came, selak baju and start the scanning. To our surprise, as soon as the ultrasound reach my belly, terus nampak dekat screen dua kantung!

"EH! Kembar ni!", kata doktor. Terus terbuntang biji mata. "Kejap, kita tengok betul-betul", terus doktor sambung scan. Ternyata, bila buat color filter memang nampak jelas dua degupan jantung halus dari dua janin dalam perut saya.

"Okay, it's official, you're carrying twins!", kata doktor. Perasaan time tu, rasa macam nak menangis syukur, tapi control macho. Hahaha. Terus minta kebenaran doktor nak bawa masuk emak tengok sekali scan tu. Alhamdulillah, the doctor allowed. So Emak masuk and we did the scan again, emak pun terkejut! Rasa macam nak menangis, Allah je yang tahu macam mana happynya perasaan time tu.

"So tak pelik la kenapa awak lost banyak sangat berat and kenapa awak kerap sangat muntah, sebab bila ada dua baby, maksudnya hormon pun dua kali ganda. You are also going through double symptoms, orang lain muntah sekali, you muntah dua kali. Also sebab you pregnant twin, kene buat regular check up dekat hospital terus okay?", explained the doctor.

I was so happy knowing that I am carrying twins, I literally forget for a moment that I will be having two babies simultaneously in future. Wow 😳 #10weekspregnant #twinpregnancy #agoodsurpriseindeed
(Source: Google Image)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

#NiaPregnancyTips for First-Time Mommies

Although this is my first time being pregnant and all, but I think there's no harm for me to share tips. Just to give a heads up-advance note for the first-time-future mommies and reminder for me in future too.

So here we go, here are a few tips for first-timer-to-be-mommies or Newly Weds:


Baru kahwin and planning on getting pregnant, tracking you period is always a good thing. Ramai among my friends yang rasa lecehnya nak track period cycle ni. Tak susah pun kak! Download je apps period tracker. Banyak je ada dekat apps market, be it for android or iOS.

Tracking your cycle is really good to identify when is your ovulation period and identifying when you are late on your period. Remember! Lain orang, lain ragamnya. Begitu juga cycle period anda. Ada orang menstrual cycle mereka tetap 28 hari, macam saya boleh extend sampai 32 hari, dan ada juga kaum hawa yang tak tetap cyclenya.

We know that for normal cycle - which is the 28 days cycle, the ovulation will take place on the 14th day (Mattes, For those who are like me, which her cycle can go up to 32 days, you may ovulate on the 18th day (Timing it right, 2012).

Tapi ni lebih kepada konsep sahaja, bila kita betul-betul ovulate hanya body kita je yang tahu. But this concept can help you especially when you are trying to conceive. Ingat! Lebih mudah kalau kita tahu bila cycle period kita, senang nak identify if kita pregnant 😍

Banyak Apps period tracker (Source: Google Image)


Your period hasn't come yet? Once you've started to track your period and you know how long your cycle is, then mudah untuk anda identify bila you are late on your period. But here's a heads up! Don't get excited easily! Saya faham, you are expecting to get pregnant, lewat sehari pun dah excited! Chill! Give it a time sebelum try UPT. The best  is to wait at least a week. Tapi saya faham, siapa yang boleh tunggu kan? 😂 Tapi sabar sat ye, tunggu 5 hari pun jadilah.

Tunggu sekurang-kurangnya 5 hari sebelum ambil Ujian Kehamilan and remember to do it with the first pee in the morning. Why? Boleh refer to my previous post tentang concentration of HCG in Urine or boleh tengok video ni, (TED-Ed, 2015).

There are many type of UPT yang dijual dekat farmasi, with many range of prices and different result display. Ada yang bahagian result tunjuk double line kalau positif, ada yang tunjuk lambang '+' kalau positif and ada jugak yang tulis 'Pregnant'. I used the ones with the double line, and when I showed Hilmi the result, he do not gets it! Hahaha 😂

(Source: Google Image)


Dah take the UPT test? POSITIF? Congratulations. But now what? First ask yourself, nak check up dekat Hospital Kerajaan ke Swasta? Kalau Kerajaan, pergi je ke klinik kesihatan ibu dan anak yang disediakan pihak kerajaan untuk buka buku Pink or Buku Rekod Kesihatan Ibu.

Tak payah nak confirmkan dulu ke? Ada yang terfikir nak confirmkan dekat klinik swasta, nak scan untuk kepastian. If you have the means, its really up to you. But if you are on a tight budget, no need. Because it will cost you about RM200 - RM300 dekat klinik swasta to get scanned and the chances is you will only see a tiny little seed in your womb. If you go straight to Klinik kerajaan, they will also scan you for confirmation. So no worries.

Tapi bila waktu sesuai nak pergi klinik and buka buku tu? As soon as you find out that you're pregnant ke? It is preferable for you to go open up a book at week 10 of your pregnancy, but if you go earlier pun no problem. You'll get the supplements that you need and boleh start makan secepat mungkin, supplements like Folic Acid and Vitamins are really important for your baby.

Wah banyaknya bebel 😂 I guess that's all of the tips for now, this is more to like the introduction of pregnancy guide or tips. I'll update on more tips from time to time as I continue with my pregnancy stories 😍 Kalau tips ni berguna or ada kekurangan, please do not hesitate to let me know untuk saya tambah or perbaiki. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Accidentally - Terbuka buku Pink

Before we wanted to break the news to both of our parents, we wanted to make sure that I am really pregnant. Because we felt that the UPT test was not sufficient as proof of pregnancy.

So I turn on my detective mode and started to browse online. Read through many blogs and articles and found out that some experienced mothers would go to private clinics to get check up and confirmation on their pregnancy.

Memandangkan saya cuti on Sunday, my husband and I decided to get a check up and confirmation on that weekend, the same week I found out I am pregnant. There's this one private clinic my family will usually go to at Pinggiran Batu Caves, KL. So we did went there and asked the nurse on getting pregnancy confirmation. Dia suggest either to get the UPT test done there or to get ultrasound scan. We wanted to do the Ultrasound, but in order for us to get the Ultrasound scan we need to make bookings and come on weekdays. So we didn't get it done.

We however went to other clinics to see if we can get the ultrasound done, but its pretty much the same; To make booking first and it is only available on Weekdays. Macam mana nak break it to our parents ni. Memang sure ke pregnant?

But then I stumbled upon a blog post, tapi tak ingat dah siapa punya blog entry tu. Kakak tu mentioned that dia terus je pergi ke Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak - Klinik Kerajaan la - untuk dapatkan confirmation on her pregnancy.

Kami pun berbincang dan akhirnya setuju untuk buat check up terus di Klinik Ibu dan Anak berdekatan rumah saya di Batu 8, Gombak. Oleh kerana klinik kerajaan hanya buka pada hari bekerja, saya terpaksa skip kerja on Monday and due to that, kene la bagitahu my parents kenapa saya nak skip kerja which unintentionally kena la bagitahu about the whole 'I may be pregnant thing'. Hahaha.

The next day, first thing in the morning, terus pergi ke Klinik Kesihatan. Macam biasa la ramainya orang 😅

Sampai-sampai je terus tanya dengan Misi yang ada dekat kaunter.
"Assalamualaikum, Saya nak dapatkan confirmation untuk pregnancy, macam mana ye?".

"Dah buat pregnancy test ke kat rumah?", misi tu tanya semula.

"Dah, dapat result positif", saya jawab. "Kalau macam tu dah confirm la, ha dah boleh proceed buka buku".

WAIT! WHAT! That's it? So I'm getting myself the pink book? WHAT?

The nurse asked for my IC, gave me a number and ask me to wait until they call me for the registration. Few minutes later, another nurse calls my name and asked me my personal details to be filled in the front of the Pink Book I'll be getting.

Next, I get to see the Nurse in charge for my appointments. She ask when was the last time I had my period and I answered. Which makes me 5 weeks pregnant at that time. Nama misi in charge, Misi Salmi. Nampak macam garang but she's really friendly. Dia bagi the supplements that I'll be needing and then she ask me to wait outside until my number show up again to see the doctor.

Couple of minutes passed and I finally got to meet the doctor. Dia tanya umur and tanya tarikh akhir period, lepas tu terus suruh baring untuk scan. Doktor pun scan, malangnya oleh sbb baru 5 weeks, hanya nampak kantung sahaja. So doktor bagi tarikh next appointment bersamaan 10 minggu umur baby.

That is how I got my pink book done 😂 you can say accidentally la 😂 #5weeks

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Revelation - Letting the father know

My husband and I, we got married last year and we got married a young age. I had just finished with my study and he's in his fourth year. He was coming home for his mid semester break that week when I found out that I am pregnant.

He already bought his ticket and he's coming home on the coming Friday. But me being me, being really anxious and super nervous about the whole pregnancy thing, I called him and keep on insisting he come home a bit early without telling him why. I can tell how annoyed he was but he changed his ticket a day earlier and came home on Wednesday night.

I can't imagine how his reaction is going to be when I told him about the  pregnancy thing. One thing is because we aren't ready to have baby yet. Although we want to have babies as soon as we can but we know we can't afford it yet plus with the long distance relationship thing, we wanted more time to ourselves first. We were looking at a year plus before we wanted to conceive. But here I am... ACCIDENTALLY PREGNATED.

I couldn't sleep for days waiting until he finally came home. I had weird dreams as I was too worried about it. I was way overthinking on how he would take the news, on how to break it to our parents or how the whole thing is going to be.

So he arrived home. As his ticket was at 9 pm from Parit Buntar, he arrived home at 2 am. I wanted to tell him as soon as I see him, but I eventually did it the next day.

I handed him a box, inside is the UPT strip with the positive result on it.

He opened the box and took the strip while saying "Whattt??".

My heart was gonna explode. I looked at him as he looked at me too. I stay quiet.

"What is this I'm looking at?", he said with a chuckle.

"It's a double line", I said.

"SO?", he said before he burst into laughter.

As soon as he laugh, I can no more contain myself, I was on the verge of crying a waterfall.

"You serious??", "Seriously?", he kept on asking.

I barely nodded and all of a sudden there goes the crying.

He reached me in his arm and coax me.

He looked at me and said, "Alhamdulillah, when did you know?".

"Tuesday", I told him.

"This is a surprise!", he said.

So that is how my husband found out that he's going to be a father real soon. :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Nerve-wreck - finding out that I am pregnant.

I've always tracked my menstruation cycle. Unlike other girls, I don't have normal cycle, mine would last until the 28th day or 32nd day.

But this time around, after I had passed the 28th mark, it felt somehow weird. It almost like I knew something was up with my uterus. But this feeling that I had happened before too, in fact it happens almost every time my period was late in the previous months. I mean, its common for newlyweds right?

So I choose to not think much about it and just wait until I hit my 32nd day marker before I jump to any conclusion. Days passed and I still haven't got my period. And as I hit my 32nd day marker, I decided to take the UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test).

Since its my first time taking it, I read a lot through many blogs and articles on how to do it, which show how nervous I was. I mean, how hard can it be, you simply pee on a stick. Hahaha. But I did find out that, the most fitting time to do the UPT is a week after you missed your period and using your first urine in the morning.

This is because the UPT measures the amount of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in your urine - a hormone produced during pregnancy. So the best time to do the test is in the morning with your first urine since the hormone level would be concentrated and to do it a week after you have missed your period because it would be more accurate.

However, since I was too excited, I decided not to wait a week and to just take the UPT right away. So on the 33rd day, I woke up with a sleepy head and wanting to pee so bad that I had forgotten about the UPT and went to the toilet right away. I know right! I wasted my good batch of urine. When I return back to my room and saw the UPT pack on my side table, only then I realized that I had forgotten about it.

But you know what I did? I drank a whole 1.5 L bottle of mineral water just to get my urine going on and I took the test. Hahaha. Talking about concentration. 😂 10 minutes later, the result showed a faint second line. Almost like no line at all. So I thought its a negative. So I went back with living my life normally, not expecting myself to be pregnant and waited for my period to come.

But hey! Days went on, I'm on my 35th day and I still haven't got my period yet. Now I'm getting really anxious, I'm starting to think that it's either I'm pregnant or I'm having an illness. I can't bear the thought of the latter. So I took another UPT on my 36th day. I did it in the morning and with the first batch of urine.

10 minutes later... the result came out... and I'm pretty positive that I am pregnant. #28thofMarch2017